Human Origins welcomes short interim reports from the field (1000 words), medium-length discussions (3000 words), and longer research contributions (6000 words). All papers go through a blind peer review process. Our review panel consists of a wide selection of UK and international Human Origins specialists. Human Origins is a free open-access journal and publishing with us does not involve any costs. If you have any queries you can contact the editorial team through
Text must be submitted in English as an MS Word or compatible file.
Word limits:
- Research articles — 6000 words
- Discussion – 3000 words
- Field Reports — 1000 words
The word limit must include all notes and figure captions, but not references. If a paper is submitted which is substantially longer than our published word limits authors may be asked to resubmit a shorter version before the paper can be considered.
For initial consideration figures may be embedded within a word or pdf file or sent separately as individual low-resolution jpeg files but please note the information below regarding publication quality images. If you are using other peoples’ images you must send proof that you have permission to use them. The editors reserve the right to refuse any submission that does not demonstrate the legal use of copyrighted material.
Text should be submitted in Times New Roman, pt 12, line-spacing at 1.5 lines.
The paper should be structured as follows:
- Covering letter, including full contact details for the corresponding
author - Article title
- Author’s names and contact details for publication
- Text (please note that there is no need to submit an abstract)
- Acknowledgements
- References
- Figure captions (also has captions on separate sheets)
- Tables
- References
References should be given in the Harvard format (Human Origins does not use
footnotes or endnotes). Author’s names in references should be given in SMALL
CAPS, or if you are unable to do this, please provide them in normal type
rather than block caps. Please do not use referencing systems such as Endnote.
Submission Process
On submission, the progress of the paper is as follows:
- Authors receive an initial acknowledgement (usually be email). The paper is
logged on to our system and the files are saved on our network. The Editorial
Team make a decision as to whether the paper should be declined straight away,
accepted for the Project Gallery, or sent to referees. Editors will select two
or more referees. - The paper is sent to referees who are asked to return their comments within one month. Please note that this process can take longer as we sometimes have to ask several people before a suitable referee is found.
- The editor assigned to the paper then considers the paper in the light of referee’s reports and makes a decision on the paper.
- If it is declined, the editor will email the author with extracts from the referees reports to explain this decision.
- If the paper is accepted, the Editor will ask the author to revise the paper with the help of the referees’ comments. Once the author has revised the paper, it should be sent back together with the finalised tables and figures. The paper will then be edited
and a final version sent back to the authors for approval. The paper will then
be sent to proof. Authors will be sent the first proofs of their paper but are
expected not to make any changes to the text at this point aside from minor spelling or grammar mistakes. If the author wishes to make any other changes,
the paper may be held back until the next issue. - The paper is published on the website. Authors receive a PDF of their paper
free of charge. We aim to give authors a first decision within 3 months of submission, but please be aware that the refereeing process can take longer
than this at times.
Publication Quality Images
If your paper is accepted, you must send your images in one of the following
- Black-and-white artwork (e.g. line diagrams, graphs etc.) should be sent as
digital images at a minimum width of 135mm @ 600 pixels per inch and a maximum height of 200mm. - Figures containing greyscale (e.g. photographs) should be sent as digital
images at a minimum width of 135mm @ 300 pixels per inch and a maximum height of 200mm. - Figures containing colour should be sent as digital images at a minimum width
of 135mm @ 300 pixels per inch and a maximum height of 200mm (these files must be sent in CMYK; RBG should not be used). Original artwork is acceptable by prior arrangement only. Please note that we cannot guarantee to return originals.
Image size
Maximum image dimensions are 135mm wide x 200mm high. Please ensure that you
supply images at an appropriate size and that any text included is sufficiently
Please note that if you are unable to supply your images in these formats, then
we may not be able to publish the images.
When an article is published, Human Origins will not ask all authors to assign
copyright to us. It remains your work, and you are always free to re-use or
reprint it in whatever way you like and as you wish. When you do that, we ask
you to acknowledge Human Origins as the place of first publication.
Articles may be submitted by email to
Alternatively, articles may be submitted as hard copy with an accompanying CD to:
Human Origins
Centre for the Archaeology of Human Origins
Avenue Campus
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ